Benjamin Roberts filed the first school integration suit on this date in 1848 on behalf of his daughter, Sarah Roberts, after she was barred from a white school in Boston, MA.
Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut, was successful in getting a Branch Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural School at Tuskegee Normal School on this date in 1897.
R. Hearness, inventor, patented the Sealing Attachment for Bottles on this date in 1898. Patent # 598,929.
The home of Malcolm X was bombed on this date in 1965-just days before his assassination.
Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut, was successful in getting a Branch Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural School at Tuskegee Normal School on this date in 1897.
R. Hearness, inventor, patented the Sealing Attachment for Bottles on this date in 1898. Patent # 598,929.
The home of Malcolm X was bombed on this date in 1965-just days before his assassination.