So, here's the problem: whenever you google my real name, in quotes, google dishes up a link to the following spot in blogstroms:
If any of you bother to follow the link, you'll see I removed my name from it a while ago, but stupid Google isn't picking up on that fact. Hence this post: next time Google indexes the Blogstroms, it ought to follow the link above, and hopefully that'll fix things.
Meantime, I'm worried about my anonymity being compromised...
Stupid Google.
If any of you bother to follow the link, you'll see I removed my name from it a while ago, but stupid Google isn't picking up on that fact. Hence this post: next time Google indexes the Blogstroms, it ought to follow the link above, and hopefully that'll fix things.
Meantime, I'm worried about my anonymity being compromised...
Stupid Google.
The problem is, even if we pulled that particular page, if Google keeps returning some old information about it in response to a search on my name, a clever and curious person would see the address and visit the main Blogsroms page. And if a person were already searching for my real name, Alusru is close enough to give the thing away!
I wouldn't worry so, but I do know how very curious students get about their instructors; hell, I've googled most of mine at one time or another. It does no good to insist that one is a regular old boring person. The power and authority ascribed to the instructor are like a magic aura--and an invitaton for prying!