Is there a modern equiv?

I've been looking for medieval cheese-making pix for an important blog on cheese that I read.

I dunno about sparrows with sugar. My face is kinda scrunching up.

How to bake Sparrowes or other small birds.

Make paste of fine floure, egges, butter and faire water, therof make Coffins then season your birds with sugar and ginger, then take good cheese clene scraped and small minced with a little Butter, and put them into your coffins, and put therto your birds, and close it till it be enough.


blogmother said…
I don't know why some of this is orange. I think maybe the sparrow-god was watching me post.
so is this a variation on 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie? I don't want to make a morney sauce with birds. That would be fowl.
blogmother said…
Why does everything medieval with you have to be a nursery rhyme?
You are so hard to please. jeesh.