Icing on the shitty Christmas travelling cake

So, this morning I go to work at 7:30am. I drove. That is crucial to the story. You don't have to pay attention to the time. It's the driving that's important. The driving in my car. My car.

Work goes along and it's 1:45pm and time to go home. What deviltry is this? My car has a new fashion accessory. It's yellow and ugly. It's a boot. A boot on my car. A boot. I had a similar reaction to the boot as I did when my car was stolen. "A boot?" "On my car?" "Really?" These are all phrases that I realize I am saying out loud.

I go back to work and get our delivery driver to give me a ride downtown. I also take 2 smokes from him. I smoke them. I feel icky afterwords.

I get to the City of Chicago Department of Revenue and wait to hear my total. Ready? Are you sitting down? $877.50 which includes the $60 it will cost to have the boot taken off. The woman at the desk told me that there was a payment plan. I could pay $810.00 today and then the rest by February. $877.50! This is punishment for not going to NY for Christmas. Or maybe it's karma for being such a sausage. Or maybe if I had paid off our tickets in a timely fashion I would've at least had lube.
