I am a goat. I like to eat green things. I want to climb this tree.

What a squash!

Oh silly goat. That's no way to eat your lunch.

This isn't the way to eat either.

I work with Alison. The goats loved her boots.

I like goats. Goats seem to like me also. It was very windy.

This is the group at the farm. The cow's name is Bob

These are boy goats. They make little goats and spend the rest of their time in a separate pasture being goats. Oh yeah they also climb trees.


blogmother said…
Did the goats especially like your - er - footwear?
So animals sometimes leave little "gifts" all over the farm. I did NOT want to get potty all over my shoes. They had disposable plastic boots that I put over my shoes to keep them from getting poopy. It worked quite well. No doody on my shoes. At least not yet.