I agree with most of the list, but I think I would incorporate some of these as skills women should possess, as well.
I propose to begin such a list.
Is there anyway for us to run it as a side to this blog, or are we are the limit of blogger's allowances? I think I would like it to be more collectional than ethereal - if that makes sense.
If so, someone with brains, please add this feature in a manner that others of us (who are endowed in separate yet equally significant ways) could use intuitively.
Thank you, so much
I propose to begin such a list.
Is there anyway for us to run it as a side to this blog, or are we are the limit of blogger's allowances? I think I would like it to be more collectional than ethereal - if that makes sense.
If so, someone with brains, please add this feature in a manner that others of us (who are endowed in separate yet equally significant ways) could use intuitively.
Thank you, so much
Take charge in an emergency.
Take direction, including criticism, gracefully.
Write a formal/business letter.
Eat at a fancy dinner, in full high etiquette.
Clean a bathroom till it sparkles.
Make a bed.
Plan a reasonable budget and follow it.
Admit defeat.
Not admit defeat prematurely.
Change a poopy diaper...which I have to go do now...bye.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
acknowledging that saying sorry is a necessity in any relationship and doesn't make you weak.
apologizing to people when you know they're hurt. Even if you don't think you're at fault.
using the "oreo" when giving ciriticism so as not to hurt the other person.
putting your jealousy aside and being genuinely happy for someone else.
telling people you love them
following your words with actions to support them
-the "oreo" is when you tell someone something nice followed by the criticism followed by something nice.