Happy Black History Month!

Who calculated the speed of the moon?
by Dr. Henry Louis Gates

Walter S. McAfee is the African American mathematician and physicist who first calculated the speed of the moon. McAfee participated in Project Diana in the 1940s - a U.S. Army program, created to determine whether a high frequency radio signal could penetrate the earth's outer atmosphere. To test this, scientists wanted to bounce a radar signal off the moon and back to earth. But the moon was a swiftly moving target, impossible to hit without knowing its exact speed. McAfee made the necessary calculations,
and on January 10, 1946,
the team sent a radar pulse through a special 40-feet square antenna towards the moon. Two and a half seconds later, they received a faint signal, proving that transmissions from earth could cross the vast distances of outer space. Official news of this scientific breakthrough did not include McAfee's name, nor was there any recognition of the essential role he played. But Americans could not have walked on the moon had it not been for Walter S. McAfee and his calculations.


blogmother said…
Can we make this a daily thing? Are there 28 other interesting black people, or even 29?
As the black one in the family I'm going to be posting a new fact every day. Some of them will be "facts" because I don't think there are 29 interesting black people in the history of the world.
blogmother said…
What about the one who did something with peanuts?
it's only the first day of black history month. Give me some time and Ill tell you all about the underground slave lady, MLK jr (and I dont mean Maida Kelly), and even that woman who wouldn't sit in the right part of the bus. We've got 28 more days to get down with the brown. Patience my Caucasian friend.
Here's a little something to get you through until tomorrow.

On this day in black history, NC A&T students: Ezell Blair, Jr., Joseph McNeil, David Richmond, and Franklin McClain staged a sit-in at the F. W. Woolworth segregated lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, on this date in 1960. This was the first of the many historic sit-ins of the 1960's. They were honored on a U.S. Postage stamp on the events 45 anniversary.

My cousin Vivian who died this December went to this school in the 60's.
she is not on a postage stamp.
blogmother said…
I remember that like I was 10.