I need a name!

First Watson passed, then Sam. I am doing very well here, but I need a good name please.


Ursula said…
Stanley (as in H.M. Stanley)? Boswell? Alexander (Graham Bell)?
Ursula said…
Oooo, or Hodge, thus guaranteeing at least that it would Not Be Shot.
blogmother said…
Chuck (as in Chuck Berry)
Since the names of the baby's stuffed animals were never revealed I refuse to play any more naming games.
Kian said…
Black Peter
Silver Blaze
There were only 2 animals up for naming rights. I have no idea who all these other animals are. My suggestion is Jamal
Oldman said…
Hodge? I need a hint please!
Ursula said…
Hodge info:



And I second the call for Kian to name the damn Pig and Rhino already!