Results of my appts. today: the big one is that my BP has finally dropped! YES!!!! What a relief. Rest and AC seem to be doing the trick. (Hence, of course, I spent most of my day running errands in the heat...) My Non Stress Test showed the healthy, squirmy baby we all know I'm carrying (Small Son attempted to kick the fetal monitor off.) It did also show that I'm still having contractions...actually, it seems a good guess that I'm having them most of the time. But my OB said that so long as they don't get stronger and stronger or make me dilate, they're not the real deal and no harm. It seems like everything's good to go; she encouraged me to go home and set up the nursery. The baby ought to be along in 2-6 weeks, and no need to rush him.
Oh, and his middle name should be "The"