Update from TRB

Theis has expressed that the apartment is trashed. There are holes all over the ceiling from where they had to punch through to get to the electrical wiring. There is insulation coming out of the walls and things are damp. He did mention that it looks like his computer is okay, but since he has temporarily become Amish he has no way to check it.

He's not sure what changes the fire is going to bring into his life, but he sounded remarkably upbeat about the future. I am crediting his upbeat nature to a great attitude and general Theisiosity and not to the booze ingested after this catastrophe as should we all.

He has found that people are being super kind to him. People are offering him places to stay left and right. His boss has even offered him refuge from the harsh Athens weather. I plan on speaking with him again on Wednesday and will report on anything new.

Although he's not really able to talk to everyone (the Amish don't charge cell phones) he wants to send his love to J, J, U, K and the little squirt as well.


Kian said…
Temporarily become Amish? Should we send him buggy-whips and PCP, then?
I think it goes without saying that he would apreciate gifts of buggy whips.