No comment would be so much better

From today's Washington Post:

...on the floor, lawmakers endeavored, sometimes awkwardly, to link the Virginia Tech tragedy with their pet issues. Opposing hate-crimes legislation, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) argued that the bill "says that if you are going to hurt someone, if you are going to shoot them, brutalize them, please make it a random, senseless act of violence like in Virginia. Don't hate them while you hurt them."
Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) said: "Our thoughts and prayers today are with the students of Virginia Tech." He added: "I rise today in support of the Wild Sky Wilderness Act."
Bob Bennett (R-Utah) attempted to reach similar balance on the Senate floor: "Before I begin my statement with respect to tax day, I wish to pause and express on behalf of the people of Utah our great sympathy."
