Hot Stuff

The Coop recently switched to “New Improved and Green” containers for the deli products. I didn’t think anything about it until tonight, when I made pasta and bacon. It is my usual habit to pour off the fat into a disposable container from the coop, and I save some just for this purpose. Done it lots and lots of times, for years, no problem. Of course the cheap containers get soft when the hot fat hits them, but so what, I will throw then out once the drippings solidify.

Tonight I fetched a old chicken salad container from the trash, put it on the sink, and poured the bacon fat into it. You can imagine as the container began to SHRINK, not melt, but SHRINK! My consternation was inexpressible, holding a hot pan and watching this unexpected transformation that was leading to the outpouring of grease all about the counter.

I’m all for using more environmentally friendly materials, but just a bit of warning would be appreciated. Watch out for this new stuff. This picture is what happened to a normal sized container of chicken salad, it’s not a small bowl as it appears!
