
Here's the deal. This coming spring I'm going to Paris. I'm all a-twitter. Now I'm looking to get myself a camcorder for this trip. The problem is that I don't know which ones are the best, which bells and whistles I want and all that good stuff. Now comes the ultimatum. If I don't find a good camcorder for my vacation I will be forced to take pictures. If I have to take pictures I'm going to get each photo turned into a slide. I will then purchase a slide projector and each and every one of you will be forced to watch my slide show. There won't just be pictures of the cool stuff I do either. I plan on dedicating some shots to the various parts of my hotel room, the bathroom, the pharmacy, the toilet paper and other things that no one cares about. This slide show will be so long that you'll wish you'd brought a snack. There will be no breaks. So, either help me, or suffer the consequences.


blogmother said…
A pony, an alpaca AND a camcorder. Hmmm, I think Santa is going to give you greenbacks.
I don't want Santa to give me all three. I clearly state that I want a pony. If a pony is not forthcoming I do mention that I would accept an alpaca. The camcorder is my gift to me for Agelamas I just don't want to get a shitty one. I do want a pony though. Or an alpaca. Any llamas that are presented to me will be turned into sweaters.
Kian said…
That would make for very meaty sweaters. Yucky!
Oldman said…
I have sat through Grandparents home movies of their trips abroad, and I assure you that a slide show would be infinitely preferable. You can always pop out a dud slide but it is another matter to edit out the weavy bad zoom in the middle of a movie.

With a lot of pics you can tell many different stories just by rearranging and reselecting from the pile, with a movie you are pretty much fixed unless you have elaborate editing capability.
Kian said…
I'd also prefer slides to videotape. But I love slides. LOVE!
Oldman said…
The first color processing I ever did was 35 mm Kodak Ectrachome (?) slides. Someone had a 4 X 5 camera, and we made a set of them, and they were to die for even if we could not project that size. Just taping them on the window was enough! That was color I could see.

It took two E3 (or something) kits to fill a 4 X 5 tank, and the Mountain School paid for it, although I think the Camera Shop gave them a deal. Probably did me no good handling that much chemicals, but it was worth it.
So what I'm getting here is that no one has a clue about video cameras and you all want slides instead? Fine. Slides it is. I'm going to see if Nana still has her Kodak 126.