So, as you've probably all heard, my hair is now short and red. I know, I know: pictures! Really, I've got to get my good camera working, in order to take a half-decent pic, and that's going to take a trip to the store for a proper battery. But see how much I love you all? I'm going to go to the store this afternoon and obtain the needed battery.
In the meantime, I promise that everybody who has seen the new hair has loved it. Best reaction goes to SF Advisor (SF for "Special Fields," not "Science Fiction", although from now on, that clearly must be his alias: he is surely from another planet!) Anyway, I tromped into SciFi Advisor's office on Tuesday for a meeting on various topics and announced, "Well, I guess the first thing we should do is look at all the books we have in at the journal." (He's also book reviews editor.) He, staring transfixed, replied, "No, I think the first thing is to look at your hair."
But, y'know how my wardrobe is stocked with cheery reds and oranges and yellows and pinks? Well, guess what colors now look horrible on me. Argh. Suddenly I'm forced to dig through my closet for greens and blues and purples. Not that I have too many--why, what's this? An excuse to buy more clothes? Ta for now, my dears; I have some shopping to do!
In the meantime, I promise that everybody who has seen the new hair has loved it. Best reaction goes to SF Advisor (SF for "Special Fields," not "Science Fiction", although from now on, that clearly must be his alias: he is surely from another planet!) Anyway, I tromped into SciFi Advisor's office on Tuesday for a meeting on various topics and announced, "Well, I guess the first thing we should do is look at all the books we have in at the journal." (He's also book reviews editor.) He, staring transfixed, replied, "No, I think the first thing is to look at your hair."
But, y'know how my wardrobe is stocked with cheery reds and oranges and yellows and pinks? Well, guess what colors now look horrible on me. Argh. Suddenly I'm forced to dig through my closet for greens and blues and purples. Not that I have too many--why, what's this? An excuse to buy more clothes? Ta for now, my dears; I have some shopping to do!
And no, I wasn't able to get a battery yesterday, after all--the wind was nasty and bitey, and I was wussy, so I got as far as the library, then stayed there studying. Today's a bad bet (it's a full schedule), but Saturday I have nothing on my plate.
Sorry I suck so much; this year is crazy busy for me. Oh! I did download Skype earlier this week! Haven't had time to set it up quite yet, but I'm coming soon to a Skype window near you.
I saw a picture!