Pastry boys are neato

So last night one of the pastry boys frantically calls me over to the line. He tells me to hold his hand if I'm scared. Now, knowing the lads as I do I grab the hand offered to me by Ronnie. Paul then grabs the torch that we normally use for creme brule puts it into a small steam kettle and next thing you know...BOOM! The paper chef hat goes flying into the air. Chris ducks down like he's in the middle of a drive-by.

So what did Paul do you ask? He put a cover on the steamkettle and filled it with gas. He then put the hat on top, grabbed the torch, lit it and caused the hat to go flying into the air. This is the norm for pastry. They've done the cannon rocket. The cannon rocket is when they took the empty roll of industrial saran wrap and blocked one end of it with a plastic deli container. The other end was almost completely blocked off. Paul filled the tube with gas and lit it up. His goal was to blow the container out of the tubing. What happened was the deli container stayed put, and flames went shooting out of the end. Although it wasn't the end result he wanted he considered it a success. I just thought you guys would like to know the types of people I work with.


blogmother said…
I am certain OldMan approves!