Dragon alert!


Ursula said…
Is it wrong that I find Puff awful cute? Or, let me phrase the question better: just how wrong is it?
blogmother said…
After careful study, I feel that the underside was photograghed before completion. I must be hard to stay hard.
I find this to be one of the cutest pieces I've ever seen. The only problem I have is that the ass looks like a 5# sack of King Arthur flour.
blogmother said…
I have to agree.
After carefully studying a 5 lb bag of King Arthur's flour, it is clear that the days have not been overly humid for this snake-man.
He droops.
blogmother said…
Both of my above posts prove that I carefully study posts like these.
Ursula said…
Well damn, who doesn't? Its a guy's cock tattooed into a dragon, after all. I look at it compulsively a couple of times a day, at least.

Of course, that might also have something to do with the current lack of new posts...C'mon, people, Blogstroms need some new random stuff!