About 4 months ago, a good-sized Ryder-type panel truck was left abandoned by the side of Rt 10.
Daily or so we see it as weeds and determination grow. It is about 2 miles from us and adjacent to a dirt road which goes nearly nowhere, so it doesn’t get much traffic. I saw the truck again this afternoon as I was being driven on that lonesome stretch.
We have recently suffered through an outrageous heat wave, but the temperature has been kinda nice these past 3 days or so, so I thought I’d take a drive tonight.
Because theisriel is helpful and oldman is a wus, the former offered to drive a nagging blogmother to the truck at about 10:30 tonight.
Blogmother had purchased a can of black spray paint, and happened to have it with her at this critical time; yet what do my wondering eyes behold?
The fucking truck is gone!
For 4 months it’s been sitting in the same place and for 4 weeks I have been conspiring to do this thoughtful service to the community; so my question is…What do I do with the paint?
Minstrel Show