This explains alot...or nothing

President Bush passed his yearly physical recently, and his doctors say he "remains in excellent health and 'fit for duty.' " According to the medical report, Bush has gained five pounds since last year's exam and lost one-quarter of an inch in height.

Wait, is the president shrinking?

Yes, but it's usually a slow process. Men who are around Bush's age—he just turned 60—tend to lose around a tenth of a centimeter in height every year. That's about a twenty-fifth of an inch.
If we're to believe this year's numbers, he's shrinking at a rate of one inch per presidential term—more than five times the average rate for a man of his age. You might expect very rapid shrinkage if Bush were a giant, since beanpoles tend to lose height faster than little guys. But our commander in chief isn't even 6 feet tall. The White House did not respond to repeated inquiries.


I completely agree...or not.