Love you all!

I just have to say, I'm have a morose sort of day (it's all cloudy and rainy), but every time I've started to feel really down, I've come here and re-read a bit, and all the funny stuff on Blogstroms cheers me up again. Especially the "it's a bomb, not a penis pump!" bit below. Damn. Anyway, you all rock--and OldMan, are there ever going to be more family photos? I liked the one you put up a few months ago of your grandparents.


blogmother said…
I wish you'd turn on Skype - so we could chat for just these kindsa moments.
Ursula said…
Oh, well. I was at the journal most of the day, anyway, working slowly but steadily through the stuff that accumulated while I was taking a few days off. I probably should have emailed you, though!