I'm a winner at being a loser

So the other day I was on overheard in NY and they had a caption contest. Although I didn't win anything cool like an HDTV or a package of tube socks I had the neatest idea. Here it is.

Moist Wipes For All Escaping Religous Persecution

Little girl: Mommy, I'm hot. Can we swim in there?
Mom: No, sweetie. Everyone in New York poops in that river.

--Ferry to Ellis Island
Headline by: agela abdullah

· "And Your Turn to Poop in it Isn't Until February" - Ryan
· "Great, I Need to Top up my Tan!" - SpaceBee
· "I Hear the McDonald's Pool in the Back is Nice This Time of Year" - Lifeguard Larry
· "Like the Backseat of Your Volvo, Mommy?" - Jeff
· "M. Night Shamalan's Next Script Idea" - Bevan
· "That's the New Definition of 'Hipster.'" - Matthew K Johnson
· "The Statue of Liberty Isn't Holding a Torch; She's Lighting a Match." - erak
· "Well, the Rich People Can Afford to Poop in Long Island Sound" - M.D.
· "Well, Yes. That's Why I Asked." - Greg
