I'm a posting nut

So I got out of work early today and got to watch SNL. They just had a segment called gays in space. Great title, not a super funny skit. It was so boring. A group of super queenie stereotypes. Then of course they brought out the lesbians. That makes me think of this

"Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!"
"Hey! I'm not dead yet."
-bonk on head

Anywho. Does anyone think that the imagery of women with mullets in flannel is still funny? Are men who say "you go girl" funny? Even if they have feathered hair like Farrah Fawcet? I think not.

I have to be honest here for a minute. I'm kind of scared about flying tomorrow. I know I shouldn't be. I mean nothing's going to happen. All that's going to happen is that Instead of getting to the airport at 8am for my 10am flight, I have to get there by 6am. Bastards. I mean I ain't got a lot of book learnin', but how can you take a plane down with an ipod and lip balm. I mean are terrorists studying not only our strengths and weaknesses, but our old 80's tv shows? Do you think that there are sleepovers where the "evil doers" pop some corn, grab a tall glass of tang and watch McGyver on dvd? How is a tube of Burt's Bees lip balm going to funk up our country? I can't bring lip balm. I heard a rumor today that they've forbidden cell phones on midway flights. Fudge, fudge and double fudge.

Theis I jsut turned on the tv and there's some type of movie starring Lance Bass. They're in a bar, now, he just left the bar. They're in front of a Chinese food place with a tic tac toe thing in the window. Oh wait. This must be the love interest. She's dark haired and has a flat front and back. She's playing with a sock monkey. The pensive dark haired girl is moving to Chicago. She's actually moving to Lakeview. Uh oh. He just found out that the business world is hard. People lie. And steal your ideas. He's also using the photocopier with the top open. The best way to make photopies is with the top open. That way instead of getting a crisp clean copy you get a grainy piece of crap. Okay. Name that crappy film. I should go to bed. I won't though. I have to be up in 4 hours. I can do it. Urkel.

Great line from Lance Bass "pork happens" Why is it that whenever we want to portray someone as being in a fancy restaurant they play classical music? And why is it that whenever we want to portray someone as being upper-class, snobby, smart and generally a douche they're always drinking tea? Don't smart, fancy-pants, snobby yuppie bastards drink coffee sometimes? Or fruit punch?

Holy Crap! There's another N'SYNC member in this movie. Joey. One of the Kids in the hall is in it too. David Foley. He's so totally awesome. Just not in this movie. He sucks. Gosh this movie sucks. There are also alot of sound effects in the movie too. Like whooshing when someone throws something.

So, JOey is a struggling musician who was just singing "We're not gonna take it." The moment he got off the stage a cheesey NSYNC wannabee song came on. I think this movie is ust an excuse for Lance to promote his solo album without having to do a real release. Joey's wearing black nail polish. This is one of the awesome-ist pieces of shit ever. I can't even express how cliche this stupid thing is. It's an avalanche of cliches. No, it's a cavalcade. No. It's an erupting volcano of previously digested spam. The one who's not Joey, or the tea drinker is putting together a plan. Ooh. Now they're preaching on the el. It's not as good as the preaching' I heard when I lived with the kids and took the green line into work. Now that was some preachin'.

Okay. So the movie's ending and they're doing the end credits. There's a clip where JT and the weird hair guy are pretending to be insipidly stereotypical gay hair and make up guys. It's like a big ol' NSync party. Sorry, but they are no longer worthy of capitalization. Bastards.

Okay, now I changed it to one of my other 7 channels. It's what appears to be an old b&w movie where gorillas wear old fashioned diving helmets. I know this movie. I heard that the guy who did this movie didn't have enough money to make alien costumes, so he used what he had. A man in a monkey suit and a diving helmet. I can't remember the name of this one either. Unfortunately there's horrible sound and it's hurting my ears, so I can't watch this.I'm going to 'read' the newest playboy.
