i know this never happens

i'm restless in jersey and listening to a bootlegged copy of thom yorke's album. i've been watching the sunrise a lot and playing risk. time stands still and i mark the days off by checking the length of my toenails. everywhere i go there are dogs and my fridge is full of pickles and peppers from quizno's. at night we sleep under a fan.


blogmother said…

Does Thom Yorke continue to get even better?
I have a Current / Guido Negraszus / Vitalic thing going on these days.
I am looking for the lyrics to Vitlic's The Past, but I can't seem to locate them...if anyone happens to be at a lyric site, see if they have it, please. It isn't at my usual suspects. And really, should I spend an HOUR looking for the lyrics to one song?
On the other hand, I might spend take kind of time looking for one poem from one poet, so I guess the answer is...
Ursula said…
Dude! It's TRB! It's awesome to hear from you, and I'm sorry NJ is sorta sucking the splintery wood at the moment.