PBS is good

So I turn on the tv and turn it to pbs. They're doing a special on San Francisco. Talking about Boudin bakery right now. Now the host is on a cable car. Lots of art, an opera house and museums n'stuff. Now in Chinatown. Lot of Asians there. It's the oldest, largest and most visibly striking Chinatown in the USA. Wow! There are tons of Asians there. Seriously. They even have an Asian art museum designed by some guy who did some other museum in Paris. OOOOH a rhinoceros statue.


They have docks too, so more opportunity for me to make money off of the kind heartedness of sailors on shore leave. Cheese. Flowers. Fort Mason Center. I'm going to just randomly type what's going on. Greens restaurant. Cafe Cole. Pretty mural. Haight and Ashbury. Amoeba music. The largest independent record store in the world. Housed in a former bowling alley. Walking tour group called foot.

Coffee beans in the north beach neighborhood (Italian neighborhood). Family sing a long once a week. If it was good enough for Francis Ford Coppola (sp?) it's good enough for you. He wrote part of the Godfather there. Hey! They just did a blurb on the four seasons. I believe what he said can be translated to "it's pretty, and expensive as all get out."

Alcatraz. Al Capone. Machine gun Kelly. Birdman of Alcatraz. I'm getting very tired of writing everything that I see. After all, it's 3:50 am. I should probably just take a belt of nyquil and go to bed. Fort McDowell. Cornerstone gardens


blogmother said…
Be sure to wear flowers in your hair.
Only if you promise to "fight the power"