First of all, to BlogMaaaaaa--have you done any work on your projects today? Planning does NOT count! Go ye and work.
Second of all, could you all join me in nagging the husband to get my digital camera functional again? (No, I'm not sure why he's in charge of this instead of me, except that I'm lazy. Oh, and busy studying: the Greek Qualifying Exam is Tuesday.) Springtime is so lovely on campus, I'd like to snap some pix of it for Blogstroms. Not to mention, my advisor is in Athens for the next month, and I have too much time on my hands, without him around for me to bug. (Or drink sherry with, and all you Taylor Fladgate fans out there, TF is yummy, but listen up: you must try Manzanilla sherry. It's white! Who knew there were white sherries??? Obviously, not me.) Anyway, back to my main point: the campus is all green and leafy, and the flowers are fading fast, and seriously, I think the camera just needs new batteries.
My other main point is to procrastinate, since that is way more fun than reading Thucydides. Well, not that Thucydides is bad, mind you. In fact, he's pretty awesome. But this is for exam prep, not for fun, so it's giving me a stress headache. Blah. Back to it, though, I suppose.
(PS to the boy: please make the camera go? You're my hero...)
Second of all, could you all join me in nagging the husband to get my digital camera functional again? (No, I'm not sure why he's in charge of this instead of me, except that I'm lazy. Oh, and busy studying: the Greek Qualifying Exam is Tuesday.) Springtime is so lovely on campus, I'd like to snap some pix of it for Blogstroms. Not to mention, my advisor is in Athens for the next month, and I have too much time on my hands, without him around for me to bug. (Or drink sherry with, and all you Taylor Fladgate fans out there, TF is yummy, but listen up: you must try Manzanilla sherry. It's white! Who knew there were white sherries??? Obviously, not me.) Anyway, back to my main point: the campus is all green and leafy, and the flowers are fading fast, and seriously, I think the camera just needs new batteries.
My other main point is to procrastinate, since that is way more fun than reading Thucydides. Well, not that Thucydides is bad, mind you. In fact, he's pretty awesome. But this is for exam prep, not for fun, so it's giving me a stress headache. Blah. Back to it, though, I suppose.
(PS to the boy: please make the camera go? You're my hero...)