Wow, I suck!

I just realized that I hadn't checked out Blogstroms in like a week. I missed a goat post! A post about goats! And we all know how much goats rule.

My penance is putting up a post myself, this post. You all have the penance of reading it, since I haven't a thing in the world to say. My big news was getting a diss advisor, but everybody knows that I got a diss advisor! I love him! He's awesome! Yeah. Nothing really new here.

Ooo, I had an idea about the Norwich house today. Check out this article. Anarchists sound like fun, don't they?

OK, the Boy has Left the Shower, so it's my turn, and then I have to writewritewrite. Gotta go.


Oldman said…
Hey, isn’t that our couch that was in the basement?

Been there, done that ….