
Old Man and I are outside of Macon, GA, just south of Atlanta. It is 75 degrees. I think I have gone to heaven. Tomorrow we will reach our destination.
I just got an email from my cousin Liz who told me that her mom, my aunt Helen died, and they haven't been able to contact my parents. I have decided to tell them in person.
It seems that Februarys are deadly for our family...Norman, Lillian and now, Helen. Two years ago, my mom nearly got killed falling down rented, rickety steps in February.
Maybe it IS a good thing that it is the shortest month - irrespective of Negro month.


blogmother said…
After we got here, my Mom brought out a family tree that my Dad's cousin has been working on...the Riel side.
She reminded me that Marina (Phyllis' mom) and Joe Steiner (Ed's bro) also died in Feb.