Me Too! I want to post NYE stuff!!

So no big hoopla for me yesterday. I worked until I couldn't work no mo. Then, I actually worked mo. I couldn't stand being around those mucker fothers any more so I didn't even stay until midnight. At 11:50 I punched out and went home. When the big moment happened I was in some state of undress going from chefy stuff to non-chefy stuff. When I got outI heard the fireworks being set off at Navy Pier. As I was waiting to cross north Michigan I saw three cops starting to run across the street against the light. Dangerous? Um....yeah. North Michigan (aka the miracle mile) is an insanely busy street and on NYE was packed with all sorts of drunk drivers, cabbies, horse drawn carriages and of course the inconsequential pedestrian. So I'm wondering what the hell was so bad that the cops decided to RUN across the street? Well, I didn't get an answer, but I did see a bunch of cop cars, go flying down the next street parallel to where the cops had been running. The cops had publicly said that they were going to crack down on people shooting off guns and fireworks this year (except in the brown parts of the city) so maybe that had something to do with it.

Let's fast forward to me on the bus. It was fairly empty when I got on. Except for the back of the bus which was filled with loud obnoxious negro girls. Periodically one of the girls would go up to the bus driver, ask him when their stop was and then go to the back. As my trip progressed more of the drunk negro girls would do the same thing. So you've got the bus driver who's trying to tell people to get on the buss, that there's no fare (on NYE Chicago has free transit to try to keep people from drinking and driving), people are still trying to put money into the blocked off money bin, the drunk girl and her friends keep going up to the bus driver and more drunk people are getting on the bus at every stop. Halfway through my bus ride and it's filled with drunk, smelly, loud bastards, the loud negroes and one fat kid who came on the bus with streamers hanging off his ass like a peacock's tail.

It was at this time, when I saw myself in the reflection of the bus window. I was sitting there listening to my music and not smiling. I was yelling at these kids in my mind. Telling them to shut up and asking them if they thought that being a drunken mess was cool. Then I realized that I have officially become and old fuddy duddy (further proof is in the fact that I said fuddy duddy.) I'm old, and on the way to becoming a cantankerous old woman. Happy New Year!

Here are some of my new year's resolutions that I'm making up on the fly.
1. be crabby
2. be fat
3. be sarcastic
4. make cookies
5. make cookies
6. rub Saffy's belly
7. make cookies
8. stop watching fear factor
9. eat hamburger helper
10. eat more corn
I can't think of anything else right now. I put number 8 down because I'm watching this show right now and essentially I'm watching people do stupid, dangerous things in order to win 50000. I'm a sheep. BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
